

My website that I wish to fill with things that are………me

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Happy New Year

For anyone stumbling here, happy 2024. Its a bit late, i know, but I have been a bit into my work and didn’t get time to update anything here……..(actually, that might be an excuse, but meh…)

I have never been a resolution guy as things happen and you won’t always be able to keep your promises, even the once - ESPECIALLY THE ONCE - you keep to yourself. Still this year, there are several things, that I would like to……..accomplish………

  1. New job (wishful thinking 🤣🤞)
  2. Learning to use a game engine and its language/coding part.
  3. Maintaining this site and adding new articles (I have a couple in the oven. One about power-bi, I am kinda super stocked to document!!)
  4. Updating this site - visually (To dip my toes into HTMX if possible)
  5. Contributions to open-source projects. (yeah……..)

There are stuff on ‘personal’ side that I would like to do, but I am not listing them here……If I achieve them, I would try to add/upload them here.

Well then, i’ll see you in the next article - hopefully not long……
